Detr○it: Bec○me Human同人グッズの頒布情報です!
2024年12月15日開催の同人誌即売会「COMIC CITY 東京151」内DBHオンリーイベント、「YOU MAKE THE STORY」、スペース【南3-G16b サークル:へこめ!鳩尾…。】にて発行予定です。
また、在庫状況にもよりますが、2025年1月12日開催の同人誌即売会「SUPER COMIC CITY 関西 30」内DBHオンリーイベント、「YOU MAKE THE SUPER STORY 2025冬」にも搬入する予定です。 状況はXなどでも随時お知らせいたします!
[ This information about Doujinshi is also available in English. Scroll down to see a sample image of the contents, and below that you will find the text😊]
【ジャンル】Detr○it: Bec○me Human 二次創作・アクセサリー・ブレスレット
【初版】2024年 12月 15日
アンドロイド達の腕章をイメージし、日常使いしやすいアクセサリーとしてデザインしたブレスレットを制作しました。 シリコン素材により実現した半透明ブルーが手首から近未来感を放ちます!
「made in DETROIT」の文字列は品質の高いアンドロイドである誇らしい証! 続くバーコードは一定のコード方式に基づいてデコード(復調)するとアルファベットになり、スキャンをすればこの識別帯を装着している機体が「CyberLife」製ということが瞬時に判別できるという、アンドロイド管理者にとっては便利な仕組みになっております。
凹みといえば、よくよく見ると後から削って書かれたような奇妙な文字列が見えるような…? …rA9…?
一般的なシリコンブレスレットは幅が12mmですが、ほんのり太めの15mmで制作しました。 なので着脱のしやすさを維持しつつ、透け感ある素材ならではの繊細さと存在感を両立しております。
食品衛生法が定める乳幼児向けおもちゃの試験に合格し、医療用などにも使用される高品質な100%シリコンです。 耐水ですので海やプールの他、汗をかきやすい夏場やナイトイベントにも気軽に装着して行けます! 人間だけじゃなくてアンドロイドも楽しまなくっちゃ!
12月15日のイベント終了後、在庫状況を確認してからBOOTHにて頒布予定です。 イベント用の在庫を優先しておりますので、状況によっては通頒をしない可能性もありますことをご承知おきくださいませ。 通頒の有無につきましてはXやBOOTHにても随時お知らせできればと思います、よろしくおねがいいたします。
About this Goods (in English)
[Title] “Android identification band : Bangle type”
[Genre] Detr○it: Bec○me Human Unofficial fan-produced goods, Accessories, Bracelets
[Character] Androids
[Specification] Free size
Circumference 180 mm, vertical width 15 mm, thickness 2 mm, made of silicone
[First edition] December 15, 2024
[Price] ¥1,000 (preliminary price, event site price)
See above for an image drawing.
(The image is a photo-composite, as the actual product will not be available until just before the event. I will update this page when I have the actual photos.)
I designed this bracelet as an easy-to-use everyday accessory, inspired by the armbands of androids. The translucent blue colour of the silicone material gives the bracelet a futuristic look on the wrist!
The ‘made in DETROIT’ text is a proud sign of the high quality of the androids! The barcode next to it becomes a letter of the alphabet when decoded according to a certain code scheme, making it easy for the Android administrator to scan and instantly identify the Android wearing this identification strip as a CyberLife product.
In addition to the white printing, the triangle, the symbol of androids, is subtly scattered in a concave finish, which quietly changes its expression depending on the way the light hits it.
Speaking of indentations, if you look closely, you can see strange strings of text that seem to have been scraped off afterwards…? …rA9…?
The width of a typical silicon bracelet is 12 mm, but this bracelet is slightly thicker at 15 mm.
This makes it easy to put on and take off, while at the same time giving it the delicacy and presence of a translucent material.
The bracelet is made of silicon, so it is stretchable!
When wearing the bracelet, open the body of the bracelet and put your hand through the bracelet. It may be a little hard at the beginning, but after a few uses, the material will stretch and become more comfortable.
In addition, although it is distributed as a free size, the circumference is generally considered to be an S size, so there may be some people who do not feel comfortable with the size. In this case, it is also cute if you arrange it as a charm item such as a key ring using a chain or strap instead of putting it through your wrist!
*If you feel a strong tightness when wearing it on your wrist, there is a risk of congestion, etc., so please enjoy it in a different way, such as above, instead of wearing it as something you wear.
・For the silicone of the material
Passed the test of toys for infants and toddlers as stipulated by the Food Sanitation Act, is high-quality 100% silicone also used for medical purposes and so on. In addition to the sea and swimming pools because it is water-resistant, you can easily wear it to summer and night events where it is easy to sweat! Not only humans, but androids have to have fun too!
For mail order
After the event on 15 December, I will start mail order sales of this on BOOTH after I check the stock situation. Please note that I am prioritising the stock for the event, so there is a possibility that I may not be able to do a mail order depending on the situation. I will let you know whether or not I will be doing this on X and BOOTH as soon as possible.
I will also be distributing the following two new items at the same event.
Please take a look at the following articles for more information!