2021年 8月22日にweb注文で頒布開始予定の同人誌です。 下部に本文サンプル画像ございます。
This information about Doujinshi is also available in English. Scroll down to see a sample image of the contents, and below that you will find the text😊

【ジャンル】真・女神転生Ⅲ 二次創作・年齢制限無し・特殊性癖ギャグ漫画
【キャラクター】ダンテ × 人修羅(主人公)
【初版】2021年 8月 22日
★イベント会場価格とは異なります。 各書店様と価格を揃えておりますが、書店様独自キャンペーン等により多少の差が生じる場合もございます。
・あらすじ&作品コメント ↓
後頭部の敏感なツノが弱点の人修羅くん。 このままでは危険な為、ダンテは初心者向けの特訓を提案する。 その内容とは、ローションに浸したガーゼでツノをしごきまくることだった! 半人半魔がぬるぬるにじゃれ合う! おバカなのに何故かちょっぴりえっちな特殊性癖BLギャグ漫画。 どんなにボルテクス界が厳しくたって、スタイリッシュなふたりなら Let’s rock!
BOOTH「えぷと商店」 | とらのあな様 | メロンブックス様
BOOTHでの注文は私自身がひとりで梱包・発送作業をする為、数日お時間を頂きます💦 気長にお待ち頂ける方向けです。 代わりに、もし手元に在庫がございましたらちょっとしたオマケを封入できるかもしれません😄 お好みの経路でお手配下さいますと幸いです!
・本文サンプル画像 ↓

当日に開催される同人誌即売会イベント「超超SUPER COMIC CITY 2021」で頒布予定でしたが、感染症緊急事態宣言の発令に伴い当サークルの直接参加は中止となりました。 同日併催のオンラインイベント「0822超SUPER#エアブー2021」にて、少しイベントらしいことをできればと思います。 エアブー内の当ブースのページはこちらです。(クリックでリンク先に飛びますが、期間限定のページなので消えている場合もございます)
About this Dojinshi (in English)
[Title] “Monzetsu! Tsuno shibou yugi”
[Genre] Shin Megami Tensei III Fanfiction, No Age Limit, Boys’ Love Gag Manga
[Character] Dante x Demi-fiend
[Specification] B5 size, 40 pages (including cover), bound by a printing shop
[First edition] August 22, 2021
[Price] Mail order price 798 yen (including consumption tax in Japan)
*This price is different from the price when the book is sold immediately at events. This price is in line with the price of each bookstore, but there may be some differences due to bookstore’s own campaigns.
・Outline in English ↓
Demi-fiend has a weakness for the sensitive spike on the back of his head. It’s too dangerous for him, so Dante proposes a training session for beginners. The idea is to rub the spike with gauze soaked in lotion!
Half-human, half-demon, playing with each other in a sticky situation! This is a BL gag manga with a special sexuality that is silly but somehow a little bit erotic. No matter how harsh the Vortex world is, these two stylish guys can still “Let’s rock!”
In this manga, it is only the spike that is squeezed. So there are no age restrictions, but Demi-fiend’s reactions are gradually becoming more and more fascinated.
Main characters: Demi-fiend (protagonist, not named), Dante, Black Frost, Jurung, other demons.
Search words: Shin-Megami-Tensei 3 , SMT3, Megaten 3
・Shopping web page
BOOTH “Eputo Shoten” | Toranoana |Melonbooks | Alice Books
When you order from BOOTH, I will arrange the shipping myself. So it may take some time to deliver. In return, I may include a freebie if I still have some stock left.
Using BOOTH to ship overseas is possible with the “tenso.com” service.
International shipping methods vary depending on the website you order from, so please check the details on the website you use.
The language used in the book is Japanese. However, as I have more international friends (I’m glad!) If there is a certain level of demand for the book, I’m considering making it available as a downloadable version, translated into English. If I do, it will be a long time before it’s available, but I’ll let you know on Twitter and here on the website. For now, the manga is only available as a paper book.
By the way, the title “Monzetsu! Tsuno shibou yugi” means in Japanese “Unbearable! Play to kill his spikes”.
This is a pun. In the Japanese version of SMT3, the Demi-fiend skill “Deadly Fury” is described as “死亡遊戯”. “死亡” means “dead”, “遊戯” means “to play”. The book contains a lot of wordplay like this, which makes it difficult to translate into English😅
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me via twitter or the contact form. It’s a blessing to be seen by people who like the same things!