DevilMayCry同人誌の頒布情報です! 下部に本文サンプルございます。
[ This information about Doujinshi is also available in English. Scroll down to see a sample image of the contents, and below that you will find the text😊]
日本語版と英語版が同梱されたダウンロード版を配信開始しました! BOOTHにて取扱中です。
The downloadable data version, which includes both Japanese and English versions, is now available! Now available on BOOTH.

【ジャンル】DevilMayCry 5 二次創作・年齢制限無し・漫画
【キャラクター】バージル & ダンテ中心、特殊モブ悪魔
【初版】2023年 5月 3日
★イベント会場価格とは異なります。 各書店様と価格を揃えておりますが、書店様独自キャンペーン等により多少の差が生じる場合もございます。
・あらすじ&作品コメント ↓
主な登場キャラ : バージル、ダンテ、モブ悪魔、ネロ、V&ユリゼンのような何か
ダウンロード版の配信を開始しました! BOOTHにて取扱中です。 日本語版と英語版が同梱されています、詳細はリンク先にてご確認くださいませ!

・本文サンプル画像 ↓

2023年5月3日「SUPER COMIC CITY 30」内DMCオンリーイベント、「超Mode:Stylish 2023」(東京ビッグサイト開催)にて発行しました。
About this Dojinshi (in English)
[Title] “Kouimagu ・ Hako no nakami ha nanjarona?”
(in ENG : The high-ranked magical item “What’s in the box?”)
The language used in the book is Japanese
[Genre] DevilMayCry 5 Fanfiction, No Age Limit, manga / comic
[Character] Vergil & Dantel, and The Devil in special supporting roles
[Specification] A5 size, 28 pages (including cover), bound by a printing shop
[First edition] May 3, 2023
[Price] Mail order price 697yen (including consumption tax in Japan)
*This price is different from the price when the book is sold immediately at events. This price is in line with the price of each bookstore, but there may be some differences due to bookstore’s own campaigns.
・Outline in English ↓
Don’t be defeated by a evil magical tool, Vergil!
What is the identity of that strange touch that he may or may not have experience with!
This is a comedy comic without humanity, jokes that are far from classy, and just barely no age limit!
A mob disguised as Dante makes an appearance. Therefore, the visuals have a Dante x Vergil flavour, but the twins’ relationship is in a style that can be freely interpreted as bromance or BL.
As part of the representation, there is a mosaic and blacked-out area. However, No age-restricted depictions occur in the piece.
Main characters: Vergil, Dante, The Devil in special supporting roles, Nero, Something like V & Urizen
Search words : DevilMayCry, DMC, DevilMayCry5, Dante, Vergil
・Shopping web page

Physical booklets are distributed at events, and at Toranoana👆
【Postscript 30 June 2023】
The downloadable version is now available! It is now available on BOOTH. Japanese and English versions are included, please check the link for details!

The paper version of the booklet is currently low in stock. Thank you very much for picking up a copy!
【Postscript ends here】
International shipping methods vary depending on the website you order from, so please check the details on the website you use.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me via twitter or the contact form. It’s a blessing to be seen by people who like the same things!